Charity profile
At Summerhill House, we provide for children (who have been orphaned, abandoned, or displaced) one of the most important things they’ve lost- Love, provided by ‘Family’. Families help a child feel safe, loved, secure, and ready to thrive, and that’s why our ‘model’ mirrors a family unit as closely as possible. Each household has 6 children and 1 housemother, as well as a caregiver to support and help mom.
To date, we have 2 homes that have been built and are in the process of building our 3rd home. We have 14 children in our care (foster and temporary safety), who are being raised by their loving dedicated Housemothers.
In addition to our Village, Summerhill also has a Community arm- where we branch into effecting change and upliftment in our community. We are actively involved here on a daily basis, running numerous support initiatives throughout the year.
For your information, we are audited by Anchor Financial Management.
As your verified SED partner, your company may obtain a maximum of 5 B-BBEE points for spending 1% of net profit (after tax) on SED contributions. As a registered NPO and PBO, we may also issue Section 18A tax certificates for any individual, CSI, or SED donations received.
If you require any further information, please feel free to contact us on the info provided or follow us on our social media to see the life behind Summerhill- @SummerHillKids on Instagram and Facebook.